Constantin Entertainment

Jan Ullrich – The Hunted

For the first time living bike sport legend Jan Ullrich is speaking himself and tells the complete story of his life.

The exclusive four part highend documentary takes a critical look on the career and the many ups and downs in the life of this exceptional athlete. In the late 90ies he triggered an avalanche of bike sport euphoria in Germany. Later he took the wrong turn: Doping, alcohol, drugs, driving under the influence... Now is the time to come clean – completely, honestly, exclusively. Together with Jan Ullrich the audience travels to the most important stages and stations of his career. Starting with his adolescence in East Germany and moving to the places of his greatest triumphs as well as to places that he expierienced his biggest challenges, all of them commented by himself.

For the first time Jan Ullrich will speak in all depths about his life: „Lately there was much talk about me, positive and negative. Now it is time that I will tell my story, the whole story, how I turned from the hunter to the hunted. I want to invite you to follow me on the journey of my life. With all ist turbulences, setbacks and challenges.“

"Jan Ullrich – Der Gejagte" was released on Prime Video on 28 November 2023; the documentary also aired in 2024 in the linear programme and the media library of ZDF.

Nominations and awards

The documentary has been nominated for numerous international festivals and awards: the German Sports Film Festival 2024 in Cologne, the Paladino D'Oro Sports Film Festival in Palermo, Italy, the International Sports Film Festival in Naples, Italy and the Milano International FICTS Fest in Italy.

  • Genre: Multi-part documentary
  • Duration: 4 x 50 Min
  • Produced: 2022 - 2023
  • Amazon Prime Video
  • Starting from 28.11.2023 on Prime Video, and from 13.07.2024 on ZDF and ZDF Mediathek
  • Released in Spain, Denmark, France and Belgium
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